has anyone tried PS Audio perfect wave duo

any experience/thoughts on new PS audio perfect wave transport and dac
i'm not in love with the remote either shazam. specifically, the eject and stop buttons are too small/close to each other for my fat stubby fingers.

one thing i was glad NOT see was another super heavy metal remote (like my s-300i came with). got about 5 dings on my coffee table because of the krell remote. fell on my bare foot a few weeks back and man did it hurt!. you can do some serious damage with these things!.

just went and tested your flicker theory and i think you're right?. even moving the shades a little caused it to fade down and back up. did the same when the dog walked by. will keep an eye on it but i think you're on to something here shazam. thx
I'm sure the metal remote that came with the original(and sexy)Lens/Genesis amps would've been perfect.
AFter a two week trial, I am frustrated by the remote. The main problem being the buttons are two small, (you have to turn the lights on to access many functions if you are not sitting close to the touch screens) and it has a very cheap feel for a $3000. component. I'm still evaluating the sound, while breaking it in. Unless there is a big breakthrough, the units do not come close to my reference transport and DAC.
outstanding system Sgr. love the levinson equiptment!. my pair has been running for 7 days now. haven't noticed much of a change for the last 2-3 days. i'm thinking break in is over but we'll see?. are you still noticing some change/improvement two weeks in?

would love to hear additional comments comparing the PSA Duo to your killer reference set-up.

are you using the I2S connection?

have you compared different formats and resolutions?

any other thoughts/opinions would be fantastic.
hi sgr:

why do you prefer your reference dac and xport to the ps audio gear ?

do you perceive subtractive or additive coloration coming from the ps audio gear ?

what is your reference dac and xport ?