Looking for RCA cables from preamp to amp?

Although I want some good cables for this purpose I don't need to spend $$$$ on each one. I need seven total cables. 

Preamp: Marantz AV10

Amps: NAD M23 and NAD M28


No Mentions of PC Triple C Wire, this wire has superseded other wire types used in my system, of which a large proportion was OCC.

Additionally Low Eddy Connections on both Cable and Chassis.

Try this on one channel and all other Channels will be the comparison, where I am feeling very confident will show you where the aspiration is to be found to have all channels altered to  Low Eddy RCA - PC Triple C Wire as the Signal Path and maybe extend the usage of PC Triple C to within the Chassis Hook Up wiring.

If this is the route adopted you will not be the first to be thoroughly impressed.     

@pindac Do you have a link for PC Triple C Wire.  I haven't had much luck googling it.  Mostly get hits for a Furutech power cable.

There is also info that can be read about Self Built Cables using PC Triple C Solid Wire on the Double Helix thread in the Agon Cable Section.

I intend on making these out of Wire I own.

My own experiences had, experiencing the wire used in other systems are shared on a few threads, easy to find as a search.

PC Triple C / EX is also a wire that is not plated, but coated with a Silver Sheath, the methodology is seemingly like one Koetsu has used on much finer wire for their Coils. 

The Link will show a variety of Cables, a regular search over a period of time will show items that are quite affordable.


@jji666 What is the 'it' not to be worried about ? Signal Path Wire is still required, and the Wire has as much an influence in a XLR Terminated Cable as well as a RCA Terminated Cable.

Don't you not think the OP will benefit from a description ?