how many own Belles Virtuoso amp and preamp? and what's your experience?

The brand Belles is seldom heard in today's audio world. I believe the company produces quality products. I own a dual 200 watt Virtuoso amp  and an Aria preamp. So far, I liked them very much. The Virtuoso amp is not listed in their website, their integrated is. . My question today is does any audiophile owns a virtuoso product and what is your experience? How about other Belles products? What has been your experience?


I have two Belles amps from the 80's: a 50 watt and a 150 watt. Excellent build and sound quality! I believe that David Belles around that time also built amps for OCM.

I think that Belles is one of the most under rated and under appreciated brands in the high-end.

David is a brilliant designer and his gear is pretty great!

I've owned a 20A, 21A, 21A Auricap and a 22A preamp.

Still have a 150A "Hot Rod" and have owned a 150 Ref, 350A, 350A Ref and a SA30 amplifier.

Would LOVE to find a pair of MB500's.  One of my desert island amps...