Vibration Control

Why do solid state audio electronics with no moving parts need or benefit from vibration control? 

It makes perfect sense that turntables, CD transports, R2R tape decks, loudspeakers & tubed electronics (w/ potentially micro phonic tubes) might all benefit from various methods of vibration control or mitigation but I don’t see why anything else would. Any thoughts??


OP.. it is beneficial in this hifi game to try and listen instead of trying to “understand “ you only dig yourself a deep hole trying to “prove” or “understand” many things in this world esp music and hifi…The first time I saw The Dead I dropped acid and listened….. Trying to understand the experience would have been pointless to me…

In General solid state circuits are not effected by acoustic vibration. The exception is in cheeper ceramic capacitors they can be effected by hi frequency vibration and the dielectric layers separate. 

One of the highest vibration environments would be inside a speaker cabinet putting out high SPL even stronger mechanical vibrations don't effect SQ or reliability of modern (within about 5 years) powered speakers.

In General solid state circuits are not effected by acoustic vibration. The exception is in cheeper ceramic capacitors they can be effected by hi frequency vibration and the dielectric layers separate. 

One of the highest vibration environments would be inside a speaker cabinet putting out high SPL even stronger mechanical vibrations don't effect SQ or reliability of modern (within about 5 years) powered speakers.

Isn’t this as simple as "the piezoelectric effect works in both directions"? If you pump enough wattage through a dummy load (large resisters), they will play music at a very low volume. That effect is small, but multiply it by all the components in your chain. I believe this may be important in a high end system, but it’s the last thing on my list to dive deeply into because it’s complicated and requires a lot of trial and error and a good system. And microphonics are another reason I avoid tubes. I just bought my first Shatki Air Stone and liked it enough to buy another. Some of it’s effect may be mechanical since it’s heavy like a small stone and has a rubber coupling mat on the bottom. There’s enough reviewers agreeing on the importance of vibration control and tuning that it seems worth a little trial and error. The Cable Company has served me well recently and they have a wide variety of products.

I loved the AI quote, here’s another one from Claude 3.5, aren’t all conductors crystals a sort of crystal? Also think about the clock crystals in your digital gear.

DM- is the piezoelectric effect different from magnetic induced emf?
Yes, the piezoelectric effect is different from magnetically induced EMF (electromotive force). Let me briefly explain each:
  1. Piezoelectric effect:
  • Occurs in certain materials, typically crystals or ceramics
  • Mechanical stress or pressure produces an electric charge
  • Works in reverse too - applying an electric field causes mechanical deformation
  • Does not involve magnetic fields
  1. Magnetically induced EMF:
  • Based on Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction
  • Changing magnetic field induces a voltage in a conductor
  • Commonly used in electrical generators and transformers
  • Involves magnetic fields and their interaction with conductors

The key difference is that piezoelectric effect converts mechanical energy directly to electrical energy (or vice versa) without involving magnetism, while magnetically induced EMF involves changing magnetic fields to generate electricity.