Elvis Costello's favorite album of his own.


I was an early fan of Elvis, acquiring a UK pressing of his debut album upon it's release. I didn't care for the second nearly as much (I don't care for The Attractions, a minority opinion I know), and subsequent albums even less.

But his album King Of America is a completely different story. Great songs, and finally a band I like (to put it mildly) backing him. Plus the production of T Bone Burnett, one of my faves.

I just recently read that King Of America is also Elvis' own favorites of his. I thought I would post this thread today, 'cause, ya know.....😉



i'd say "this year's model" is his best, in the sense that it rocks the hardest, (arguably) sounds the best and has no skippable tracks. the one i listen to the most, however, is the odds-and-sods collection, "taking liberties," which is the least contrived and freest-flowing.


Before any English teacher corrects me, I'll do it myself: The Brinsley Schwarz Band WAS a major player, not were. 😉 I was running short on time (for a scheduled doctor's appointment) as I was typing that sentence, and didn't proof what I wrote.


This Year's Model is my favorite for sure. My Aim is True had great songs but having mellow Marin County band Clover play the music ruined that album for me; the live versions with the Attractions are great, though!