Advice on Sterling LS3/6

I learned on a UK Spendor forum that Derek Hughes is retiring and closing down Sterling Broadcast.  They are clearing out inventory at excellent prices - mostly LS3/5a V2 and V3, but also a few other models.  I'm looking at the LS3/6. The regular price for the LS3/6 is $6000/pair  and the sale price is $3300 (plus $600 shipping to the US).

One pair of LS3/6 have been shipped to Jeff Stake, a dealer in Indiana.  I told Jeff I may be interested, but I've never heard them.  I could drive down to audition them (I live in Chicago) but I thought I'd check on Agon to see if others have experience with them.

I currently have Spendor SP3/5 R2 speakers in a small room.  The LS3/6 would go in a new listening room, 17x23 ft.  I will be using them with Bacch4Mac and a solid state amp (undecided, but probably Starcrimson monoblocks).  Qobuz is the source, over a Bluesound streamer with LPS and English 8 switch.  I'll use the Bacch's RME DAC.  I like vocals (Melody Gardot), Argentine Tango (Gotan Project), Van Morrison, Duke Ellington.  Seldom crank it up.

To my mind, the real alternative is a Harbeth 30.x or C7ES3.  At Axpona I heard a Spendor Classic series (not sure which) that I really liked but the cost is beyond my budget (over $10k).  Any comments would be welcome.

Latest review of the Stirling LS3/6 is from The Absolute Sound (where the retail price is listed as $9995):


Ag insider logo xs@2xtreepmeyer

I’ve been using Quicksilver tube amps for years with any BBC type speaker that I have owned. The Mid Mono tube mono blocks would be a nice pairing with those Stirlings. My friend is using this solid state Van Alstine with his Harbeth M30s. Both of these brands are worth a look. BTW, they are not balanced if that is what you really need!

Vision SET 120 Power Amplifier – Audio by Van Alstine (


Yes, I also use the Mid Monos with the Stirling LS3/6 and they sound wonderful.

For some strange reason, however, they do not match very well with the MC275, 

With the stock Mcintosh tubes, allegedly made by J J, the sound is too bass heavy.

Or it might be my room, I do not know.

The Quicksilver are really a perfect match with the LS3/6 if one decides to go with tubes.

@yogiboy The Quicksilver amps look great, and reasonably priced.  Funny you should mention the Van Alstine SET amps as I had my eye on them for awhile.  Will check out both.

@grislybutter I will ask Jeff if he can get another pair

Thanks to everyone.

Oh, the Bacch system is very interesting.  Using it in a suboptimal room now, but with well-recorded tracks the effects are terrific. Imaging and soundstage are taken to a new level.  To give just one example, in Lou Reed's Walk on the Wild Side, there is the section where he sings, "and the colored girls go do, da-do, da-do" and then you hear them.  With Bacch they start they start way in the background with a light, ethereal do, da-do.  Gradually they move forward, expand in presence and volume until they are placed between you and Lou, singing on the plane of the speakers.  Wow!

I’m glad you enjoy it. I kept my demo long enough for a audiophile friend with far better ears to hear it, and he could hear the effects clearly, even in my sub-optimal room.

I’d forgotten about Quicksilver, that’s a nice little "KISS" amp and the price is right!