Warm relaxed digital coax

Running a Audioquest Coffee cable.   Looking for one that has a little more detail and keep that relaxed warm sound.  Other equipment ARC I50, HIFI Rose 250 streamer, Musical Fidelity M6x DAC, Klipsch Forte4, and Kubala Sosna emotion cables.  Thanks in advance. 


I have not experienced huge difference between coax cables. So I’m not completely sure you’re on the right track. Cable manufacturers that are known to produce warm sounding cables are:

Audience, Audioquest, Acoustic Zen, Cardas, Kubala Sosna  

In my opinion with Kubsla Sosna cables in the system you should not experience any brightness. If you do, digital cable is probably the last place you should look at as a culprit. I would look into room acoustics and or different warmer sounding speakers. Just my $0.02

A stock Forte 4 and AR i50 is not resolving enough to easily reveal differences in digital coaxes.

But, you could try an Ansuz cable, which could sound a bit more detailed (after pulling teeth) and maybe offer a slightly different tonal balance in a more resolving rig+room. A GR research upgrade for your Forte could make it more resolving, if you’re a diy kinda guy..

DH Labs has been my go to the past 3 or 4 times I've ordered cables.   Excellent quality for the $$$     

They usually have a sale on one or two product categories each month.   I bought a pair of Air Matrix Cryo at 20 or 25% off.  I also have the D-750 coax digital and the Mirage USB when they were on sale too.  All excellent quality 

I am going to order their Prelude speaker cables for my Forte IV soon.