1990 Radio Shack catalog

A little bit of a clickbait, but it was a wonderful nostalgia trip looking at all the stuff that people goggled over at Radio Shack almost 40 years ago.



I might be the only one, but there are times where I still miss Radio Shack. You never know when you are going to need a 1 1/2 amp fuse or a lit push button switch.

The stereo/hifi set from 1973 adjusted for core inflation prices (https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/) would cost at least $1623.40.

I miss Radio Shack.

Still finding folks selling many of their components on ePay which I buy sometimes for my “projects”

Radio Shack (RS) employee true story from 2004. While working at NASA headquarters in Washington D.C., I would periodically take a walk during the lunch break. Having purchased a KAB audiophile Technics SL1210MK5 turntable in 2004, I wanted a record and stylus cleaning brush for my 3,000 LPs. So I pop into the Radio Shack store on 4th Street and ask the 20+ year old where they keep the audio cleaning accessories. He gives me a blank look. So I provide specific information. He says "You mean a CD lens cleaner?" I say no, a brush to clean or dust the grooves on a record. The RS employee says "A record? What are you talking about?" At that point, I simply thanked him for his trouble and exited the store.