Elvis Costello's favorite album of his own.


I was an early fan of Elvis, acquiring a UK pressing of his debut album upon it's release. I didn't care for the second nearly as much (I don't care for The Attractions, a minority opinion I know), and subsequent albums even less.

But his album King Of America is a completely different story. Great songs, and finally a band I like (to put it mildly) backing him. Plus the production of T Bone Burnett, one of my faves.

I just recently read that King Of America is also Elvis' own favorites of his. I thought I would post this thread today, 'cause, ya know.....😉



Personally, apart from Painted From Memory, which is a different kettle of fish anyway, Elvis never sounded as good after he parted ways with Bruce Thomas.

Mr. Costello is one of my all time favorite artist.  Great songwriter and performer.  The Attraction or the Imposters are a great band for his music.  And as Mr. Costello said in is R&R HOF induction speech, Pete Thomas is one of the greatest rock drummers.

If I were forced to pick "Get Happy" would be my top album.  One thing I like about Mr. Costello is that he has a chameleon like quality and is willing to explore various musical forms while still sounding like Elvis Costello.

I am not a musician and could not care less about the 'pocket' of a song.

I care about how I like the song and how it sounds. I really like the Attractions a lot. I don't like Clover or Huey Lewis. You do like them. People can have differing opinions without them being wrong. 

Yeah, those are also 'mellow'. You can have Brodsky and Burt. 


And Clover can be the band they were without being called mellow, which to me sounded like an insult. As for Clover, I don’t particularly like them (they were certainly no Rockpile), and I was never a fan of Huey Lewis & The News. But I wouldn’t label them mellow either.

As for The Attractions, they still sound like a semi-pro band to me. I'll take The Confederates any day. T Bone Burnett employed them for the King Of America album for a reason, and as I stated that album is Costello's own favorite, perhaps for the same reason it is mine.


@bdp24, i gotta (mostly) disagree with you about the attractions. i think bruce and pete thomas are great at what they do--sure, they push the beat, but so does terry williams of rockpile; it's what makes them rock. as for their sound, i agree steve nieve's organ is overtly 60s/garagey on "this year's model", but i find it a positive--it distinguishes the record from the kinda generic/clinical band sound of "my aim is true". i will concede, however, that nieve has a tendency to overplay and to default to big dramatic flourishes, which works well on denser, more baroque sets like "imperial bedroom" and less well on more straightforward fare--"get happy", for example, never sounded quite right to me. in any event, i always appreciate your insights.