4Point9 vs. OL Conqueror vs. Vertere Super Groove HB

Hello, I was thinking that my next major purchase would be a tonearm upgrade from the OL Silver. My chain is Soundsmith Zephyr Star MC > OL Silver > Dr Feickert Volare > Decware Step-up with the ZP3 Phono pre > McIntosh MA 8900 > Belle Klipsch with upgraded crossover. I listen to everything from Jazz and Americana to Punk. I love the way the system sounds now, and would like to increase detail, realism and further tighten up the lower frequencies (and perhaps enhance), to get the best sound possible to the Belles ( which I got from a friend who's aunt was gifted the speakers from PK. ie. no serial numbers).

Since I have posted my system, I have added bass traps to the wall behind the system which helped clarify the muddiness. 

I am sure that I would be happy with any of the tonearms listed above, I was hoping to get some real world experience with those of you who have tried these tonearms either individually or the experience of comparing one to the other. 

I would also like to know if someone feels that I would get a bigger bang by upgrading the Volare to the Blackbird.

Thank you!


All that stuff varies vibrates in sympathy with the speakers and colors the sound in a bad way.

Dear @edgyhassle : " increase detail, realism and further tighten up the lower frequencies (and perhaps enhance), "


Horns speakers are unique in the sound Immediacy we listen against any other kind of speaker design.

Unfortunatelly horn speakers are not good enough at both frequency range extremes Your Belles goes down to 45hz with +,- 5db and to 17khz with same high level deviations .

You can have the kind of bass range you are looking for adding a couple of self powered and connected through its high pass crossover, with subs you will have additional benefits in the whole frequncy ranges not on ly in the bass range.

You can change your cartridge and this is an option too.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,


@rauliruegas  Yes, I agree the Belles have their limits. My goal is to make them sound as good as they can. Down the road if desired, I can change out speakers. These do sound real nice right now, except for the bass control.

If I hear you correctly, I should look into getting some subs to get better results than improving the quality of the source components.  I know, it's all important. Maybe time to look at an alternate plan.  Thank you.

I've heard the 4Point9 at my dealers over 20 times with many different cartridges. Sound is always amazing and the difference in cartridges is easily heard. It will be my next arm.