That Transformational piece of Gear We All Wish For

I suspect most of the music/audio lovers on this web site have wished for that piece of gear that literally transforms their system?  I know i have.  I have been going down this audio rabbit hole since the mid 70’s, and there have been a few pieces that made a really nice improvement to my system (the PS Audio P20 Power plant being one of them).  However (and this comment only applies to pre-amps and amps and no other category), nothing that I can ever recall has so energized and improved my system in so many ways as my new pre-amp.  I have owned some really fine brands in the past including Pass,  Coda, ARC, PS Audio,  Rowland, and more, but now I am a BAT Man for sure.   The new pre-amp is the BAT VK-80 and I love that beast.  I hope everyone reading this will get a chance someday to try one in their system.  I know he is a controversial figure,  but Kevin Deal's review of this piece is so right on.  He really loves it too and rightfully so.


My system consists of:

Thiel 3.7 speakers

Coda 16 power amp


PS Audio Perfect Wave transport

PS Audio P20 power plant

BAT VK 80 preamp




PS: i neglected to list my two REL 812 subs in my list of gear at the top of the page.

Big open space, with a tv in between. I wish I could figure out the best way to treat that space without my wife telling me it’s ugly, or worse yet, no :). My preamp made the biggest difference.

@wjcasey3rd , I had always read that anything larger than a bread basket between speakers was a cardinal thread.  Actually, I had read that before I started reading here on A'gon, and like every other thing, that is disputed here as well.  However, as far as the TV between speakers, here I I have read (and I think on this thread as well) that covering the TV with a large blanket makes a huge sonic improvement.

I started out with a BAT VK-3i preamp and then went to a BAT VK-33 a couple of years ago. I pair the VK-33 with a BAT VK-225se power amp, and the sound is simply astonishing. Great air and detail to the music, and built like a tank as well.

Thanks all. Don’t mean to disrupt the intent of this thread. But I like your thoughts. I’ll tell her that since we live on a dirt road with horses up and down our streets that I’m just keeping the tv clean. And dust free. Cheers