1990 Radio Shack catalog

A little bit of a clickbait, but it was a wonderful nostalgia trip looking at all the stuff that people goggled over at Radio Shack almost 40 years ago.





very cool that was a nostalgia blast.  I miss having those stores just to pop into.  There was one adjacent to a restaurant where I bussed tables in the evening and I would kill a few minutes there if I was early 

Did RS start out catering to the ham radio crowd?  I remember an awful lot of shelf space being devoted to accessories for that hobby.  One of my friends father was a ham operator and I remember seeing him constantly at the store that I mentioned above 

Like most, I loved Radio Shack and found them indispensable for buying board level components for building projects well before the Internet was a "thing".

My first stereo was an "All-In-One" box with separate speakers. It had an 8-track player/recorder. LOL.

But yeah, I knew something was up in the 1990s when all the "real stuff" was relegated to a small area near the back, with lesser choices. My first shortwave was a Radio Shack too. Loved that thing before shortwave started dying about the same time the Internet was borne. Sadly there isn’t much on the airwaves anymore other than a few religious stations from other countries. The "good stuff" went silent long ago.

Oh, yeah, in the early 1980s, a college friend of mine had a TRS-80 running BASIC. We used the heck out of that thing to do our aerospace homework that required a lot of iterations. (Certain equations can’t be solved directly). Good times.

We not only had garbage from RS and Lafayette....but also Olson Electronics!

Most of Radio Shack's audio equipment was rebranded stereo stuff from other manufacturers (some you'd probably be surprised at). Honestly, it was stuff they could get on surplus and charge a large markup on (on a lot of it, they simply changed the color of the bulbs and put their own brand name on it).

Same with their car stereos.

I worked there during the early '90's and remember that catalog. It was a year old when I started, but we kept it around as a reference.

As an ex-employee, I will tell you the place quickly turned into a nightmare to work at, and I don't miss it at all. 

Some of you guys are romanticizing it. Trust me, it was a nightmare behind the scenes.