best cd player for 300-500 bux

just wondering what players to look at in that price range. i have a nad c541 now and would like to get a different player with a removable power cord. thanks for the info

You need to check on the back of NAD CDP and see what kind of outputs (opitical or coax)that it as. Coax is better, but opitical also works well. Many good DACs in the $300 - 500 price range (and I see some have already been listed). Do a little research and you'll get a feel about the sonic qualities of the various DAC. Other than that hooking up a DAC is a matter of connecting the DAC to output (opitical or coax) on the back of your CDP by use of the apporiate cord, and then connecting the DAC to your amp/pre-amp.
How do you make the cdp that i have not use the dac that is inside it now? I really dont think that my unit has a digital or a coax output. I will check it tomorrow night. I seemed to have lost something in my system recently. I had a really good effect of the sound coming from right and left of my listening spot but now its gone. All of the sound seems to be coming from the speakers now which really annoys me. Any ideas on what to check out in my system would be greatly appreciated. A song i always used was "vogue" by madonna the tamborine sound always sounded like it was coming from right beside my spot and now its gone. thanx for any info
dude, weird. did you move your speakers? first thing I would check. are your speakers working correctly? try playing with speaker placement and toe-in.

the cdp will automatically bypass the internal dac if you use one of the digital outs -- coax or optical. it will prob have at least the coax out, most cdp's do.
thats the weird thing i didnt do anything. I just havent been messing with it that much since its drag racing season. My older psbs dont have any outriggers or spikes so i put my mapleshade plinths under them and that made things better but still no real 3d type sound. I even went and put in cable elevators just to make sure i wasnt getting something weird from my carpet and no luck. I tried toe in and straight. Reconnected all the analog wires. I dont know what gives. Could the tubes in my preamp need swapped out? any ideas would be great. Kevin