Ebay selling my missing amplifier

8 months ago I sent an amplifier to europe for upgrades. The amp went missing and there were investigations that went unresolved. I happened to be searching on ebay and noticed the amp and when I magnified it Bingo the serial number was same. It is an ebay seller store that is listing it. Ebay has not yet responded after several attempts. What next?


We are all apparently finding something of interest in this thread. Some are interested in how lost package claims are handled and some are interested in how rough package handlers are (My local UPS guys knows me well and we usually chat a bit - he does not seem to be as beholden to the clock as he is expected to be. But he handles my stuff with care).

I am particularly interested myself in how one might resolve the discovery of a stolen item on eBay and how this will work out. I have looked before for items stolen from my family (ancient guns, and swords from the Genghis Khan era) and never found them but I would sure like to know I would have a fighting chance to get them back.

For our stolen things we got insurance payments - I assume we would have to return that money, although it was quite inadequate.

I sure hope we do get an update on how the OP, the KCPD, and eBay work things out.

Here’s my advice. Remove ALL reference to the make model and eBay listing. You should really consider removing this post entirely. If the seller gets wind of it poof. If it left your state, you should have contacted the FBI. This is a major grand larceny offense. Here’s the other issue, how did the seller  take ownership?  If so, who actually stole it?  This person may have purchased it not knowing the unit was stolen. The FBI or police will need to get to the bottom of it. Lastly, next time you think of sending such an expensive item overseas or even within the US, do NOT send it by UPS or FedEx. At minimum, use DHL or a proper international freight company and through a freight forwarder. I can’t believe UPS insures items that cost $50k. Best of luck and eBay is not that difficult to reach by phone. I’ve dealt with them but long ago. Amazon the same.

@dobnbav - What makes you think the FBI would be remotely interested in this ? A $50K amp is not grand larceny in their world. Unless they were presented with evidence of a criminal ring moving high volumes of allegedly stolen goods across state lines ;  some big dollar wire transfer crime, etc. they have better things to do. Having had experience working fraud cases impacting a Fortune 100 company you really have to have something that wets their appetite, and is fully laid out with documentation and evidence for them to even sit down to listen about it.

@facten, I must say that is the most idiotic, defeatist bs response and false! If the product crossed state lines it is an FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation case. State and local authorities have no jurisdiction in other states. Your fraud experience is irrelevant here and evidently the wronged should do nothing. It’s a legal issue and you think $50k into worth anyone’s time? And how do you know or not if this heist was an individual or one  working within a criminal conspiracy. Brainiac, this wasn’t fraud! There are separate groups within the FBI just like within the NY or LA PDs.  They don’t cherry pick. If there’s evidence—in thhis case a $50j event where the potential whereabouts is know, what do you think they might do? Maybe there’s a large organization  located there with assorted high worth items!’ Really, I guess you know everything. News flash, you do not! Plus it helps to be persistent. I love one size fits all know-it-alll dudes. Original poster. Be aggressive, demanding, unwilling to not take no for an answer. As they say, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. You may recover your equipment or you may not but at least you have tried! Just whatever you do please don’t listen to this dude. I’ve had people tracked down , arrested and sent to prison three times where I was a crime victim, one a violent one.

@dobnbav - The only thing idiotic is you thinking that the FBI has nothing better to do than assign an agent to find someone’s amplifier. Have you actually sat down with FBI agents? I have. How about a US Attorney? I have.  I had 2 retired FBI agents in our corporate security department reporting to me for 9 years.  Have you worked directly with any?  Whether you think otherwise or not they are not going to get involved in a situation like this unless it is far more consequential in the aggregate.. And ,for something like this you’re going to have to provide them with evidence that it is more than an isolated instance to get them maybe interested. So unless you've had direct experience dealing with them I'd suggest that you keep your comments to yourself