Swamp - Bryston for 2k and other stuff for 300 compared to 2k total is as I said "300 or so more" - just to be clear on what I mean in the comparison, so its not 2k more, its 2.3k-ish total, that is all I mean.
I agree that I have no proof that it will "kill the transporter" but I'd put a small amount of money on it! I 'think' (I don't know) that the Bryston DAC is not just better, but actually in another class. I'll have to let others chime in on that who have heard both, or perhaps who even have the combo and have A/B'd them. Also, it can take in 24/192 from Reference Recordings, 2L, etc., not sure if transporter can do that. That surely would put it in another class.
So, for example, if I could buy the Transporter without the DAC it has for 700 (that assumes that 1300 of it is for the DAC it has, maybe its 1000 or 800 - I don't know) then I would get the Bryston with it and be happy.
Also - if the DACs were separated (or how about at least on 'boards' or modules that could be removed and updated?) then as time goes on you can update them without replacing the whole system. NAD is doing this with their AV signal processing AV systems, and Meridian, a few others have been doing this for 10+ years.
Now, that would be interesting, a Transporter with 3 DACs that you choose from, the Transporter itself, then either no DAC at lets say 700, then Level1 at 1300, Level2 at 2k, and Level3 at 3.5k? That would be extremely interesting. But as you can see, easier to emulate that by just leaving the DAC external.
It will be interesting - lets take the Berkeley Alpha DAC - its 5k right now. In 3 years what will it be? 1k? 1.5k? That seems to be the 'value for dollar' state of the art DAC today, competing with Esoteric and EMMLabs at double, triple and I possibly quadruple the price. The Berkeley Alpha DAC surely blows away - and I mean really blows away the Transporter, particularly at 24/192. So, if you get Transporter and Berkeley Alpha DAC together today, you are throwing away at least a thousand dollars (whatever amount is directed towards the DAC section in transporter). I don't have a thousand to throw away, but for the convenience of what the Transporter offers, I might have 5.5k or 6k for the combo! But its tough knowing you are throwing away 1k or whatever amount.