Anyone at home at Krell?

No one answers the phones, all the voice mailboxes are full, no one responds to emails. Anyone know what is going on?


+1 to @mark200mph's comment. The death of a founder can be especially difficult on a company. Did they have a succession plan in place? What direction do they want to go? Divorces have caused many companies to close, let alone the death of the one with vision who breathed life into it. To them it was likely a passion, to others perhaps just a paycheck. 

Anyone who has ever gone through such a process knows how long dealing with all the legal issues, and then any in-fighting among successors can be. I hope Krell continues. 

I lost interest in Krell when they parted with Dan Agostino. He was the heart n soul of the company. Just check out what he has done since he left Krell.


An update on their website and phone messaging explaining the situation would go a long way.

You might never know how a private company is financed till they fill for chapter 13 or the owner passes. Krell was top banana at one time and was mine was great for Apogee low ohm ribbons. Very few amp at the time could drive my 1 ohm Sintilla Apogee speakers without blowing. Anyway, I just imagine they have financial arrangement to consider and they are not the high end amp of choice since there are so many great amps.

God Bless Rondi's and his family.     

I've been in commercial insurance for over four decades. It is surprising how many small companies have no succession/continuity plan in place. This is years ago, but we had one company lose the top three execs, all in their prime, in a plane crash. It really screwed things up for the company and their customers. No idea if that is Krell's situation but it wouldn't surprise me.