Stack Audio Auva Isolator

I just ordered a set of these. They are supposed to be better than the Iso-Acoustics or even the Townshend podiums for speakers.

Anyone try these yet?

Auva Isolator - Stack Audio



@ozzy. I have Neodio B 1s or 2s under most of my components but based upon my positive experience with the Auva 100s under my Dadelus floorstanders I ordered a set of EQs and placed them under my Modwright preamp. Ii had had Isopods under it (size of the preamp and the shelf don't allow me to use Neodio isolators due to how they need to positioned ) the EQ is a definite step-up in SQ. I am going to order another set for the CD transport in my 2nd system, and if I can figure out the thread size of the spikes that attach to the integrated stands of the JM Reynaud Offrande Supreme V2s in my 2nd system I will order a set of Auva for that. To my ears Stacks Audio isolators are a price to value winner

@wcheng2 @ozzy

Have you, or anyone here, tried Live Vibe Audio’s brass cones/discs?

OCD Mikey and others swear by them. Mikey has tried Townshend Pods and many other isolators and he feels brass is the best.


I have used and still have 2" Audiopoint’s. They look very similar if not the same.

They are good but the newer items like the Stack Audio footers, Critical Mass etc. are better.

IMHO that is.



Hello Ozzy,

My opinion remains the same.

If it is not an Audio Point then comparisons are useless. Material science, shape, and intended use are part of the design. Every cone is not and will not perform the same - guaranteed. 

If you guys are going to compare devices IMHO “compare the prices” of each product! 

Townshend made a lot of money comparing their $2,500.00 device to $12.00 worth of nail head steel spikes. Iso-Acoustics did the same thing. 


You have been marketed. 


This tactic happens more now than ever before in this industry. 

The one common factor you have in all of these comparisons is price. Compare apples to oranges if you want to, but remember, the equipment rack you are using controls all your outcomes. 

Stack Audio retails products here in America and has a Patent Pending listed on their website. We have an Agreement with and honor US Patent # 9858903B2 which entails processes that have a similar description to the Stack technology. I am not the Patent owner but I want you to know this is more fair and believable than marketing to the public through questionable testing methodologies.


LiveVibe Audio