Stack Audio Auva Isolator

I just ordered a set of these. They are supposed to be better than the Iso-Acoustics or even the Townshend podiums for speakers.

Anyone try these yet?

Auva Isolator - Stack Audio



Hello Ozzy,

My opinion remains the same.

If it is not an Audio Point then comparisons are useless. Material science, shape, and intended use are part of the design. Every cone is not and will not perform the same - guaranteed. 

If you guys are going to compare devices IMHO “compare the prices” of each product! 

Townshend made a lot of money comparing their $2,500.00 device to $12.00 worth of nail head steel spikes. Iso-Acoustics did the same thing. 


You have been marketed. 


This tactic happens more now than ever before in this industry. 

The one common factor you have in all of these comparisons is price. Compare apples to oranges if you want to, but remember, the equipment rack you are using controls all your outcomes. 

Stack Audio retails products here in America and has a Patent Pending listed on their website. We have an Agreement with and honor US Patent # 9858903B2 which entails processes that have a similar description to the Stack technology. I am not the Patent owner but I want you to know this is more fair and believable than marketing to the public through questionable testing methodologies.


LiveVibe Audio

@audiopoints "You have been marketed."


LiveVibes doesn't "market" potential customers? Do you not have a spiel which you expect to attract belief in and in turn generate sales

Might just be me but reading your spiel it is marketing, not unlike the marketing that you criticize your competitors of







Didn’t I state that I own Audiopoint’s. And by the way, isn’t that your moniker? Aren’t you biased?

You get what you pay for, most of the time. The Audio Points are ok, but nothing compared to the Stillpoints, Iso-Acoustics, Critical Mass and Stack Audio and many other footers. I have tried them all. I relate them to the sound quality improvement that is achieved with these products. Price is another matter.

Of course this is my opinion, and you have yours!



Using various isolation products over the last 40+ years in my and other peoples systems, your comments that Audio points are just "OK" is a blanket understatement..

I have used many cones, racks, platforms and after decades settled with good results but nothing has worked as well in my system for unlocking the true potential as the Live-Vibe-Audio products, I have a Rhythm rack, Audio Points under speakers, Apprentice platform under Power distribution so 100% of their products under all my components and it is the end of the road for me my equipment and room/tastes.. and the most Musical/Natural sound I wanted to achieve.

In the past decades have used/owned Many products from BDR (Black Diamond Racing), Mapleshade, Poly Crystol, Goldmund, Stillpoints, Comback, Critcal Mass Systems, Shun mook, German Acoustics, Vibraplane, Herbies Audio Labs, and more that I'd have to think about...

All do different things to "change" the sound but by the end of the day I have found my end of the road products in what I am using.

It is fun playing with these things and can become expensive and frustrating at times, but trust your own ears.!!

Enjoy the Music that is what it's all About at the end of the day.

@tommyu @ozzy

Love the conversations. Thanks guys...It is so confusing to figure out but you’re experiences help. I have sold my Townshend springs/platform/podiums(although I still use Townshend's Isolation corners for my 400 pound Sound Anchors rack) and have been trying to decide between the Stacks, CM and Live Vibe Audiopoints.

OCD Mikey is like you guys in that he’s tried everything out there but it’s the Live Vibe Audio Points that he uses and raves about.

My components will soon be upgraded and I’ll be buying the Live Vibe points for them. I may keep my Symposium shelves underneath some of them though.