Voltage conversion of Accuphase E-5000

Does anyone know how to convert voltage of Accuphase E-5000 100v to 110/120v? Or does anyone provide information on voltage conversion table of Accuphase E-5000?


in case the existing transformer is used, how should I use a resister connected in series to drop 20V?

You can use a 680Ω 3W resistor to replace fuse F1.



Thank you very much for providing information. Before receiving your message, I have done modification of circuit of the auxiliary transformer. Actually, a person with electronic and soldering skill has done.

According to him,  he inserted a resister : 2000 Ohm/2.5W (10kOhm/0.5W x 5 parallel) in series to the fuse and confirmed that the voltage at the DC plus line is 20% less from the original circuitry while power SW is ON.

Do you think it is OK?




Although U.S. mains voltage is rated at 120VAC ± 5%, in some cases household outlets may have voltages as low as 104VAC.

My suggestion would be to power the amplifier with a variac set to 104VAC and see what the highest resistance in series is allowed to turn the amplifier on, if 2kΩ works then it's no problem.




Thank you very much for your quick response. I turned the amplifier on with nearly 100VAC and confirmed 2kΩ works.

I have successfully converted the E-700 from 100v to 120v thanks to your great help. Thank you very much again.

Meanwhile, also I have started discussions about voltage conversion of the E-4000 and the DP-450. I will appreciate very much if you would post information on them. I am ready to post some pictures of the power supply board.

Thank you very much in advance.