Solo streamer

I’m looking to replace my Cambridge CXN v2 with a streamer that has better SQ.  I want a streamer with no extra accoutrements: no DAC, storage capacity, etc., nothing but a streamer.  Is this available?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrvpiano

Not wanting to whip a dead horse, but regardless of what streamer you buy, consider that in most cases, you need to connect it to an external DAC via an asynchronous connection (USB, I2S) in order for the likely better clock in the external DAC to do its thing instead of relying on whatever clock chip architecture is in the streamer. I agree to a large extent with @mdalton above. Streamers can and do make a difference, but that difference pales compared to what DAC you choose, its power supply, its analog output section, and then the rest of your system.

Also look to how good any software is in a streamer. If it isn’t easy or even fun to use, you will hate it. Does it integrate well with whatever streaming service you use? Does it offer say Tidal Connect so you can control it directly out of Tidal’s app to pass the stream directly to the streamer and not have it go through your phone? I keep hearing that Qobuz will have a "connect app" soon.

Some upper tier streamers might have superb hardware and engineering but be hampered by a lousy app. Makes me think that they should partner with low cost WiiM and license a fork of their app instead.

Good luck.

PS Audio Air Lens or Musica Pristina A Capella 3. Both are great stand alone streamers

@rvpiano Looking at the level of your system components, I think the Aurender N150 is more fitting a streamer than the N200. While the N200 is a considerable step forward, the N150 is also a considerable step forward over the CXN V2. I’m both a Cambridge and Aurender dealer and speak from experience. 

Also, while the N150 can accommodate storage, it doesn’t come with any, so you’re not paying for it. 

+1, @blisshifi…best recommendation so far, but and that’s a big BUT. Is @rvpiano open to learning a new App user interface and more importantly, is he able to discern differences between streamers given a very neutral and equally sterile sounding Benchmark DAC?


Two I am considering that stream only (no dac) are the Auralic S1 and the Rose RS130.