DCS Sending Legal Notice To Reviewer (Golden Sound) Over an Old Review of Their Bartok DAC

I saw this You Tube video which was posted by Headphones.com which at the beginning talked about the site taking the side of Golden Sound (GS) & then GS himself going through the details of what happened (his side of the story).


While I am not taking any sides until DCS comes out with their story publicly. While we all are aware that many times companies force reviewers to remove the criticism of their products by employing different ways. But what should be the way forward about the reviews for reviewers and companies?

Can we as the end consumers and as a community come-up with the framework around reviews?





@cleeds I think you missed what I was getting at, you are going to have manufacturers and reviewers all over the world, so just talking about the first amendment is irrelevant. That's why we need some sort of standards which would be adhered to by both manufacturers and reviewers which are specific to Audio Industry



@laoman + 1 - I wrote to dCS, told them that I buy expensive gear (a lot of MSB stuff, for example), and told them what I think of companies that sue reviewers over reviews they don't like, especially when the company says he got facts wrong and never explained to him what those facts were so he could correct them.

I thanked them for helping me by giving me one less company to have to choose from for future purchases. 


I think you missed what I was getting at, you are going to have manufacturers and reviewers all over the world ...

Good luck to you in solving the world’s audio reviewing problems.

... just talking about the first amendment is irrelevant ..

It may be irrelevant to you, but the First Amendment is anything but irrelevant. As I noted, it protects those publishing in the US, notwithstanding your claim to the contrary:

First amendment is applicable only if both manufacturer and the reviewer are in US.

Those enjoying First Amendment protection would be foolish to compromise any of it by entering into any sort of agreement that would seem to appeal to you.

The First Amendment has no bearing here as this issue is between two private parties.  This amendment applies only to government restrictions on speech, specifically Congress shall make no law infringing it.

@Cleeds you are not talking about anyone outside US, what’s your solution there?

Besides how can be sure that if any such standard formation happens it would be detrimental to people in US? Do you even know what those standards would be even before they are formed? You are just being paranoid to the seed or the idea of such standards.


