Musical Fidelity V-DAC vs. Spitfire/Supplier Duo

I'm looking to try and upgrade Redbook listening using my Oppo BDP-83 as a transport. I'm on limited funds and am considering two options as of yet. Musical Fidelity's V-DAC or the Spitfire/Supplier Duo. I've read good reviews of the V-DAC, but I'm hesitant about the "wall wort" power supply. Specs on the Spitfire/Supplier Duo look promising and I like the beefier power supply option, just not sure about quality.
Am I placing too much of an emphasis on the power supply of the V-DAC? Or am I tossing dollars to the wind at this price point to try and improve the Oppo's stereo listening?
Thanks for any input and hopefully, personal experience with either of these DACs.
Thanks so much for posting some of the atricle's contents. I realy think I'm leaning towards getting one. It seems like it may be money well spent. I guess I'm just a little leary of this price point for external DACs, but I'm kinda stuck to the ~$350 price point. Hopefully it can offer some improvement over the Oppo's analog stereo out. As is, the Oppo is not terrible or anything, I'm just attempting to try and enter higher quality playback at a lower quality budget. I'm just not sure it can be done.
It should be MUCH better, they have tested a $10000 Dac which only scored 48 on their scale and several $2000 players which were in the 20s so this is a very good score, price does not ALWAYS equal performance.
I tried the VDac v.3 with an Oppo as a transport about a year ago. My VDac also had the upgraded power supply. During that time I also was auditioning the PS Audio Dlink III.
Right up front I'll say I did not care for the VDac. It had a hard, brittle sound in my system which is not what I care for at all. Also, the functionality of the dac was strange.
The PS Audio dac was the winner by a large margin. YMMV.
Could you possibly have tried an "X" Dac? The V-Dac is just a small nondecript box that retaile for $299 US and as far as I know it does not have an upgraded power supply. That being said I have read that the V-DAC does make use of some design features that the discontinued X-DAC v8(I think) used.