Class D Option For Bass

I just purchased a little crossover from Sublime Acoustics and will be playing with bi-amping in the near future. I will use my tube amp for mids and highs but thinking class d for bass duties. I think I’d like something a bit nicer looking than Crown. I know they are a common go to for lots of cheap class d power. I’m not sure how much some of the newer designs like Purifi and GaN FET will make when playing no higher than 250hz max.  My short list right now is VTV, Wyred 4 Sound, and ?. I know, pretty short list. I’m sure there are a ton more options but I haven’t really kept up with class d since falling for tube amps.  Looking forward to everyone’s thoughts, thanks! 


PS Audio Class D offerings are inline with W4S amp pricing. Pick up the S300 for ~$1K used. W4S good choice as well. Both are IcePower implementations. Classe Sigma AMP2 can be picked up used around this similar price point. Peachtree GaN amps.  Rogue Audio has some interesting Tube/Class D hybrid options that would be interesting to explore but there a bit more $$

Sorry, I should have mentioned my budget. Tops would be about $1000, but I’d prefer to spend considerably less. I suppose I’m open to class ab as well but worry about size and heat a bit. The ideal amp would be small have reasonably good looking chassis in black with at least 250 watts per channel. 

PS Audio, Classe, Peachtree, and Bel Canto are all good suggestions. I will add the to the list.  Was hoping there were some good options around $500 but it seems most are close to $1000. It may come down what I find a really good price on.