Best speaker brands for transient response

Hello all, first post / longtime lurker on here. I have really appreciated all I've learned from following threads on here -- much appreciated.

I've had three speakers in my house for a few years, and have learned that transient response is the quality I value most. I'm researching upgrade options and would appreciate recommendations on brands.

Currently I have KLH Model 3s, JBL 4305Ps, and JBL Studio 590s. The sealed KLHs are far superior in transient response / speed / attack. The 4305Ps are pretty good (I'm assuming because they're active) and the 590s, while they do a lot of things well, are relative laggards.

I am assuming that on average a sealed design at any given price point will outperform a ported speaker in this area of performance, but I'm sure there are important exceptions.

I'm also curious if more expensive ported horn speakers (Klipsch heritage line, or the JBL 4349 for example) may deliver equal or better in transient response compared to a lower cost sealed speaker because they're using better drivers, crossovers, etc.

Thank you for any feedback / ideas you have.


Electrostatics are the best transducers for revealing inner detail and transients beyond any others,

Thank you for your response. I have a ML dealer close to my house and I'm going to go do a serious audition of their electrostatics. They have the Neolith in their showroom, too.

@ghdprentice thank you for the suggestion, was not aware of that brand and will look for dealers in Chicago.



Just my personal opinion but entire KEF meta line with proper amplification might fit your bill. Just choose the model that fits your budget and good quality gear upstream to match.

Another suggestion would be to just try adding room correction to your setup. I find most any good quality speaker these days does very well once you remove the  artifacts of room acoustics that often tend to muddy the waters.

Sunmoon hardly accurate a planer has physics going against them equal and opposite reactions cancel each other out hence any box-less loudspeaker will have limited transient response a high efficiency dynamic loudspeaker will have far greater dynamic response.

look at Wilson audio with a suitable amplifier

or for less money an alta audio loudspeaker.

at axponna their Adam sounded as good as the 40k Wilson Daw just extraordinary.


Dave and Troy

Audio Intellect NJ

Alta Audio dealers