Stack Audio-SmoothLAN Network Filter- WOW!

I just received this item that I purchased from Stack Audio after being impressed with the AUVA 100 Speaker footers.

For any of the Audio Streamers out there, my initial comment as to this item: The SmoothLAN Network Filter is WOW!

From first plug in, the soundstage deepened and widened immensely. How the heck this occurs is nothing short of amazing. I have tried many of the major brand ethernet filters, and some of them, maybe, did something. But not enough to keep them. I either sent them back or sold them. I did however keep an iFi Silencer unit.

My digital streaming consists of an EtherRegen sending out the signal via Fiber to my Lumin X1. I have the Stack Audio device going into the EtherRegen from the Modem.

And, since I have my Apple TV coming out of the EtherRegen it will be interesting to see if the Video improves.

Check out the review in EAR.

Stack Audio Smooth-LAN For Clean Streaming | The Ear (




From the EMail ,  I received this morning ( it is a long text )


As you may have read, we have been working hard in development of EtherREGEN Gen2 for over 1 year—utilizing more readily available parts and incorporating a number of technical advancements. These include Gigabit capability on both the ‘A’ and ‘B’ sides of our unique active-differential-isolation moat, even lower jitter clock synthesizers, an exceptional new PHY chip, and the world’s best sine-to-square wave converter (benefiting those who chose to pair with an external 10MHz reference clock). The new version will even include a second SFP cage—on the ‘B’ side—to improve performance for users of optical endpoints.


However, every day and night we are trying to solve a last technical riddle with interfacing of two brand new special chips we have chosen. As soon as this puzzle is solved—hopefully within the next couple of weeks—we can then move on to the final round of test boards incorporating all of the elements and advancements of our new design.


Realistically, even if we solve this last programming issue next week, there time to produce next full version test board (large with lots of test points) and then actual pre-production test/beta boards all adds up to several more months before full salable production units are ready.

Thanks maxwave,

I guess time will tell if it is an improvement in sound quality.



"After several days of listening and testing the SL in front of my EtherRegen switch and after my ER switch I definitely prefer it installed after the ER right before my network streamer. It sounder veiled, less detailed and less dynamic installed in front of the ER. The SL has found its home. Really does improve the SQ."

I also now concur with your findings. After the EthererRgen is better.

Thank you for pointing that out.


On the website it says "capable of handling data speeds of up to 100Mbps". I know that streaming does not need anything higher than half that, but still it cuts down the actual bandwidth to 1/5th. Should not be a big deal, I guess.

@milpai - just 100 mbps gives me pause since it means cheap low end components in $250 unit? Why is not capable of 1GB at least.