tommyuchicago wrote:
regarding active design, I know that my 4305Ps really ruined my 590s for me and I think the active design of those JBLs were a big reason -- it was taking all that I loved about the 590s and making it sound more alive.
I'm down to Borresen X2s, ATC SCM40s (I'm going with the passive version) and JBL 4349 for auditions.
You could also consider the JBL 4329p's, in addition to 2nd hand (to stay within a given budget) ATC SCM40 and SCM50's in their active versions, now that you may have identified an aspect with the 4305p's, qua active, that appeals to you.
In any case, hope you'll end up deciding for the speaker solution the appeals to you the most - irrespective of claimed transient prowess, passive or active config. Auditions before purchase decision, preferably at home, is paramount, but that should go without saying :)