Relaxed/Analog sounding DAC for under $10k (used or new)

Hi all. I'm currently using an Allnic D5000 DHT DAC which I got to replace a denafrips Pontus II not too long ago. While I do enjoy this dac, it can sound a bit forward in higher frequencies at times and can get a bit fatiguing. The 3A5 tubes are a bit finicky and don't last especially long either. It seems to sound best with coax input and with native DSD files, but my streamer only has USB output, and I exclusively stream via Qobuz with no DSD albums, so I'm not sure it's the best long term match from a synergy standpoint for me. I get the feeling that it was designed around being used primarily with a CD transport, which is not something I am interested in ever adding to my system.

My primary listening setup is centered around analog vinyl playback, so that tends to be my point of reference. I prefer laid back and musical sound versus striving for absolute detail retrieval that can sometimes come off a bit too clinical or harsh to me.

Going through various threads, some things stick out to me - T+A D200, SW1X, etc. I've also heard some Lampizator DACs that I liked (though mostly their very high end models that are outside my budget). I know typically people recommend R2R for a more 'analog' experience, but I also know that that is not the end-all-be-all with DACs, and implementation and intention matters a fair amount more. There are some DAC manufacturers that design their DACs around being used with CDs and don't care for streaming, so their performance is not optimized for use with streaming, etc.

Please do not turn the thread into a debate about the merits of R2R vs D-S. Not really relevant to me and I am mainly looking to see what ideas people toss at me.

Anyway, as a TL;DR, looking for a DAC that satisfies these points:

1. Leaning more musical/analog sounding, with a focus on laid back sound that is non-fatiguing;
2. wide soundstage and fantastic imaging;
3. Optimized for PCM streaming audio + USB input;
4. Ideally under $10k (new or used);
5. Black chassis option



There is a long thread started by Verdant Audio called “Dac Shootout Starts This Weekend” where Verdant, a dealer, compares numerous dacs, some of which he sells and some not. I think it could be a valuable place to start your journey. 

Consider Mojo Audio's  "Mystique Y" dac with upgraded power supply chokes.  Optimized for USB and has many elements of your desired sound signature.  PCM only. Within your budget too.

It's a newer model, so if you're looking for reviews - search for EVO or Mystique X reviews.   All Mojo dacs have a very similar sound.

I haven't heard one, but the Linear Tube Audio Aero dac would be worth looking at. It seems to meet your requirements. 

I have their MicroZOTL preamp and I really like it. 

I have not sampled a ton of DAC’s, but I also gravitate towards the relaxed, analog sound over extreme detail. I recently upgraded from the Schiit Gungnir Multibit R2R DAC to a Merason Reuss, and it fits the bill. I bought this based on the advice of a friend who has the Merason DAC1, and also hearing the Merason sound at AXPONA this year. Worth checking out.