Hey mitch2,
Yes, I have heard the Mojo Audio DACs and they are quite my cup of sonic tea. I believe the LTA Aero is more similar then different from your DACs. However, I believe because of the massive power supply/ZOTL tube based analog section that the Aero has great tonality, like your Mojo DACs, but will be faster and more dynamic then your Mojo DACs.
The Mola-Mola DAC is an example, for my ears, of a highly "resolving" DAC that does everything right except make music. I'm not a fan of MSB, DCS, ESOTERIC because they do not connect me with the music. My reference DAC is a Reimyo DAP-999EX Toku, which is a an R2R design. I have reviewed over ten DACs starting with a price point 2K and up to 40K and the LTA Aero hangs sonically with the most expensive ones, including my Reimyo which, if you can find a NOS Toku in the box, still sells for around 13K.