Review on Linear Tube Audio Aero DAC

Hey Gon members,

I just submitted to Stereo Times my review on the new ,and the first, DAC that Linear Tube Audio has just released. For right now I would strongly suggest anyone in the market for a stand alone DAC, regardless of price, consider the Aero. Its build quality, R2R chip set, power supply, internal part selection and the tube based ZOTL analog conversion section leads to one of the most musical and analog type presentations I have heard in the last ten years. Not inexpensive at $3,950, but competes with my reference which sells for $10,000 more. You get a 14 day home . trial. So far no one has returned the Aero after hearing in their system. I go into many details about the Aero in my review, but wanted to give a heads-up for anyone considering a DAC purchase. I believe the Aero is a break through product based on price vs. performance. I'll let you know when the review goes up. Hopefully in the next ten days.


Terajay (Terry London)


This is a DAC I’d be very interested in and look forward to the review, but I agree that lack of both i2S and AES/EBU inputs is to say the least curious at this price level.  Not sure what they were thinking here unless they’re planning on a higher-level DAC that includes these inputs, but still. 

Hey gentlemen, 

My review on Stereo Times just went up on the LTA Aero DAC tonight. Hope you enjoy reading it and it gives a lot more details regarding why I wanted to share my excitement about this DAC's performance.


@teajay I have always enjoyed your reviews.  One of the DAC’s I previously had in my system was a MHDT Pagoda Balanced.  I bought it based off your review.  I really enjoyed that DAC. I now have a PS Audio Direct Stream MK2.  I know the LTA and MK2 are quite different in design, curious if you’ve had the chance to listen to the MK2 and how it would compare to the LTA? 

Thanks for the heads up on your review, looking forward to reading it.

Nice review.  I would like to hear the DAC.

I always appreciate seeing pictures of the insides of gear.  This thread shares the best picture of the insides of the Aero that I could find, and this article shares another.

Hey mm1tt77,

Compared to your PS Audio DS MK2 the LTA Aero will have a richer tonality and the individual images will be more 3D "meat on the bones" presentation. I find the PS Audio Direct Stream to sound like very good digital, but not as relaxing or musical as the DACs I like the most. What do you like about the Direct Stream MK2 that lead you to replace the Pagoda?

Thanks for the kind words regarding my reviews. Teajay