To summarize,
A Cart' that is very familiar, used with a change to the Systems Amp's and New Speakers to was noticed to be a tiny bit off.
Same Cart' assessed with familiar Amp' and New Speakers, was still assessed as being a tiny bit off.
Vinyl Source compared to CD Source for the first time in this home on both above systems, was notable for being near as impressive as Vinyl.
All attendees inclusive of system owner was on board with the commentary about the Cart'.
Both Sources, inclusive of the variety of CD Sources performed in a very very attractive manner.
My conjecture is that a Cart' that is a Optimally aligned Cart', as a result of going beyond the typical methods to set up, does has a noticeable X Factor, but when the X has seemingly been removed, the Cart' remains thoroughly impressive.
Maybe the importance of the X in the listening, is the easy to detect condition when the X has seemingly been removed?
More Importantly the priority is at my end, to enjoy the entertainment that is on offer in the Company of friends and fellow hobbyists, which I suggest some would struggle with as being categorised as an Audiophile.