tmsrdg - it’s weird stuff, and addresses something where Thiel already excels. The terrain is the integrity (or not) of how the driver energy translates into the limp air-mass for you to hear detail. Thiel’s bezels, waveguides and curved baffles with pebbled finishes all address this issue. But further research demonstrates the audible effects of wavelaunch turbulence. In short, the moving driver diaphragm moves air up to its modulus of deformation - it misbehaves as it tries to establish a coherent wavefront in the air. By modifying the surface to better manage the sheer forces and turbulence in the boundary layer between the non-moving baffle surface and the moving propagation wave, we define wave-fronts with considerably more integrity.
Douglas has patented two interlocking technologies: one addressing the propagation surfaces and the other managing the boundary layer behavior in the port itself. I was exposed to this nascent tech in 2018 and have been co-developing it for these past 5 years. A surprise is hearing a type of sonic improvement where you wouldn’t expect needing any.