Tube or solid state phono stage?

I have a high end all tube system (AR 750 SEL amps, AR Ref 6 preamp, SF Aida speakers) and am now adding a turntable with a Benz cartridge.. Should I stick with buying a tube phono stage or go with solid state? I’d like to keep my system all tube but I’m worried a tube phono stage may make the vinyl too warm sounding and not dynamic enough.

thanks in advance for any help!


Lots of really good recommendations and best of luck. Got to hand it to posters on this site, they really helped when I got started. Have an Allnic 7000 H and must say their phonos are generally the best in their lineup. I must say though, BAT upper end phono stages will absolutely slam you. They have balanced inputs also.

your concern isnt relevant to high quality tube phono stages. you can get the transparency and the natural sound. 

Thank you everyone for the recommendations. I’ll probably end up getting the AR Ref 3SE to match my system but will try to demo a few others. I’m intrigued by the balanced inputs of the BAT. Does anyone know if that adds anything to the sound quality from a turntable input?

I’ve the black ice audio F159 which is a hybrid SS / tube preamp, totally transformed my phono side of my system.   I run ML electrostatics and the dynamics are definitely there but also wonderful midrange and bass.  I had a rather average cartridge that sounded unimpressive with the built in phono preamp in my preamp and it became impressive immediately. 
upgraded to the Hana ML MC and damn….