Best speaker brands for transient response

Hello all, first post / longtime lurker on here. I have really appreciated all I've learned from following threads on here -- much appreciated.

I've had three speakers in my house for a few years, and have learned that transient response is the quality I value most. I'm researching upgrade options and would appreciate recommendations on brands.

Currently I have KLH Model 3s, JBL 4305Ps, and JBL Studio 590s. The sealed KLHs are far superior in transient response / speed / attack. The 4305Ps are pretty good (I'm assuming because they're active) and the 590s, while they do a lot of things well, are relative laggards.

I am assuming that on average a sealed design at any given price point will outperform a ported speaker in this area of performance, but I'm sure there are important exceptions.

I'm also curious if more expensive ported horn speakers (Klipsch heritage line, or the JBL 4349 for example) may deliver equal or better in transient response compared to a lower cost sealed speaker because they're using better drivers, crossovers, etc.

Thank you for any feedback / ideas you have.

@greenngoldcheesehead thank you for your recommendation. I love that Marten names their speakers after jazz legends (huge Coltrane fan).
The trios look beautiful, regretfully out of my budget range (unless I hit the lottery in the next month). The Borresen X2 is within budget and there's a dealer not far from me.


Volti is a only a 7.5 drive down to Tennessee from you, you can listen to your hearts delight. Greg seems all too happy to give a factory tour, and set up speakers to listen in his audio room.

I'll be making that drive in April or May of next year to compare the Razz, Lucera, and Rival. If all goes well, I'll be driving a pair home with me.

My large Heils''s difficult to find woofs that can keep up with them....

I second the visit to Volti HQ !
Greg really went out of his way to make me feel welcome and comfortable. We listened for hours to several of his models, even a prototype. Without a doubt a session unlike anything I’ve experienced. Definitely not the comparatively short auditions at a hifi shop or a show. He really went out of his way to make sure I was more than satisfied with what I was bringing home.

I really appreciate the enthusiasm for Volti. That's a long trip and I am worried about the absence of a return policy, but I'm going to research more.

And I checked out Heil but their website doesn't give any information on speakers or did I miss something?