You're not a true audiophile unless...

I can't tell you the number of posts I've seen that start with something like this. Why are some people so anxious to qualify this like it's some sort of title? Being an "audiophile" isn't a concrete or objective thing like the citizenship of the country you were born in or being an MA. It's reflective of your hobby or taste, much like calling yourself a "foodie." Can anyone else chime in with some of the more ridiculous qualifications people have come up with for calling oneself an "audiophile?"


Not sure without reading all posts above... but IMHO an audiophile is someone who relentlessly pursues the best sound of their favorite musical genre/s they can attain.


""Audiophile" is now similar to terms such as "conservative" or "liberal." it means so many different things to so many different people that it has become a throwaway expression."

Pompous: Having or showing the attitude of people who speak and behave in a very formal and serious way because they believe that they are better, smarter, or more important than other people.

Hearing subtle yet dramatic and transformative differences switching out one expensive Ethernet cord for another. 

The definition of an audiophile is when the LOVE of music inspires you to delve even deeper into the mystery of music through the use of artificial reproduction.  For all the infatuation that we have for music, no one that I am aware of has ever managed to explain how and why music affects us as it does.  To have the power to bring that into our daily lives is what inspires one to become an audiophile.