Stack Audio Auva Isolator

I just ordered a set of these. They are supposed to be better than the Iso-Acoustics or even the Townshend podiums for speakers.

Anyone try these yet?

Auva Isolator - Stack Audio



"Tom even used his personal account here to pretend he was just an enthusiast who had tried every footer on the market ( he reeled off every name to Ozzy)."

I do not have any affiliation with Audio Points now or in the past, you should check you facts before jumping to these accusations..

I still stand by my post on the findings in "my" system in the post.

Also I Never claimed to try EVERY footer on the market there are so many.

Just wanted to put some clarification to your post.

Sorry to take up more space on this thread but false information is not helpful.




But I only mention this because I resent the owner and manufacturer of Audiopoints coming into this thread and schilling their own product especially when they obviously know nothing about the Stack Audio AUVA.

Agisthos, I am the owner and manufacturer of Audio Points™. 

I am not sure where this shilling thing took place.

We know how and why the Auva pucks function.

 Our company has an Agreement with the US Patent holder for a process using bearings as a primary resonance conductor in tubes, pucks, wood blocks, cones, cello end pins, microphone stands, etc. I know what is happening inside the Auva pucks. Bearing fillers have been used before in the Audio Industry. We also understand the cone and what goes on when combined with bearings.

 Pucks, cones, springs, dots, and spheres have been around in footer systems since the late 1980s. All of those companies closed. All those products are gone except one.

Reinvention with fancier cosmetics, machining, and materials and the willingness of the public to purchase that new much more expensive thing rejuvenate sales. To us, it has all been done before.


Everyone is invited to telephone me. I will answer all your questions or locate the individuals who can. You will know who I am and I will have no idea who you are. Fair enough?

After speaking together, if you still resent me, at least there is a reason compared to voicing a meaningless opinionated statement on a public forum.

Do you know how many real shills exist on all audio forums? Dozens of dealers and manufacturers, many member participants, and even more professional salespeople lurk behind every thread. We do not require or market AudioGon forums to increase sales.

Thank you for your time,


LiveVibe Audio


Thanks, audiopoint/Robert, for chiming in again. We all understand you are the dealer/seller of those footers.


Are the 2" Audiopoint’s that I own the same as the ones you are currently selling as Vibe Audio? If so, aren’t they still just a brass point sitting into a brass cup?

Nothing wrong with that, it was great for its time, but it just does not compete with, Iso-Acoustics Gaia/Titan, Stillpoints Ultra SS, Townshend, Critical Mass and the Stack Audio items. No shilling on my part because I own them all.


Are the 2" Audiopoint’s that I own the same as the ones you are currently selling as Vibe Audio? If so, aren’t they still just a brass point sitting into a brass cup?

No they are not just brass pointed footers in a cup. The Audiopoints have a specific 'columb' shape that is supposed to dissipate resonance more effectively. I found them way better than standard brass pointed footers. But they did not compete at all with the (much more expensive) Stillpoints Ultra SS, which is my current reference.



Yes, I know they are better than just brass footers. Are they the same items as the Audio Points that I bought years ago from (I think it was called) Star Sound Technologies?
