If you are on this site, and participate in discussions about gear in order to improve your listening experience, you are an audiophile.
People change the meaning of words to suit their own purposes, which is hilarious, because words have specific meanings.
“I care about the music first, so I’m not an audiophile” I love the air of superiority and the not so subtle subtext of “I’m better than you because I only care about the music” Makes me laugh.
Wonder why audiophile became such a dirty word? Is it ego? Do people think they are beyond being defined? Is it fear or insecurity? Why do people feel the need to change the meaning of a word to suit their own needs or shortcomings?
Nowhere, in the definition of the word audiophile, does it place a hierarchy on its use. Meaning, you can care more about the music than how it sounds. But if you care at all about the reproduction of your music, guess what. You’re an audiophile.
From Websters dictionary:
au·dio·phile ˈȯ-dē-ō-ˌfī(-ə)l
: a person who is enthusiastic about high-fidelity sound reproduction