Stack Audio-SmoothLAN Network Filter- WOW!

I just received this item that I purchased from Stack Audio after being impressed with the AUVA 100 Speaker footers.

For any of the Audio Streamers out there, my initial comment as to this item: The SmoothLAN Network Filter is WOW!

From first plug in, the soundstage deepened and widened immensely. How the heck this occurs is nothing short of amazing. I have tried many of the major brand ethernet filters, and some of them, maybe, did something. But not enough to keep them. I either sent them back or sold them. I did however keep an iFi Silencer unit.

My digital streaming consists of an EtherRegen sending out the signal via Fiber to my Lumin X1. I have the Stack Audio device going into the EtherRegen from the Modem.

And, since I have my Apple TV coming out of the EtherRegen it will be interesting to see if the Video improves.

Check out the review in EAR.

Stack Audio Smooth-LAN For Clean Streaming | The Ear (



@jimboman James, yes the Finisar modules seem to be one of the most popular. Get LC modules perhaps something like FTLF1318P3BTL or if you like to try AOC (Active Optical Cable) then the Cisco SFP-10G-AOC5M or similar, but please do check compatibility at both ends.


I have bought two of this cable ( LuminX1 and Lumin L2) with ´´ APC Optical Fiber edition ´´ Still waiting for the delivery

In replacement of ´´Melco C1-D20 SFP+ Direct Attach Cable ´´



Thanks @greg_f .  I am using the Finisar 1318 you suggested.

I tried bypassing my Cisco Catalyst 2960 with a cheap Mokertek FMC I had lying around, and the Finisar modules work (including one in the Lumin U2)!  This confirms that the compatibility issue was with the Cisco switch.

I find the sound quality to be just a touch more 'full', particularly in the low bass region, with the Finisar modules.  It's a subtle difference, but for the cost, worthwhile IMHO.

With that in mind, I'm wondering what people are recommending for FMCs with good SQ?  @ozzy @audphile1 @tksteingraber @maxwave  (and others) care to chime in?

Best, JAMES.

@jimboman Perhaps an Etherregen or an Sonore optical Module? How are you connected to the Cisco 2960? What is your network structure?

@jimboman Can’t help here. I use generic FMC/SFP’s with an LPS. I tried TP Link and couldn’t hear a difference and was happy with the sound improvement when I added the LPS so left it there and focused on filtering after the optical. I would also be interested if upgraded FMC/SFP’s impact SQ.