Very recently I was introduced to a Pre-Power Amp' design produced by a EE Friend that has an 3W Output. On the day of the Demo' New High Efficiency Speakers not heard by myself before were also in use.
A Selection of CDT's and CDP's of both SS and Valve circuits were in use, along with a Vinyl Source as well.
From recollection of the impression made of the 3 Watt Amp and Speakers Selected and now unfairly using the Computer Speakers to assess the AN Equipment. I am comfortable with the claim I have heard the AN Youtube Demo' bettered with equipment costing a fraction of their prices.
The 3 Watt Prototype Amp' and Speakers in conjunction with the Sources used, of which one was a AN CDP (heavily modified) and the other a EAR Acute, has made an everlasting impression and caused a rethink about all my thoughts gathered to date on the importance of Amplification.