Modwright vs EVS vs RAM vs ASI-Tek, OPPO BDP83

I recently bought a OPPO BDP83 BluRay player and the performance is very surprising for the $$. I'm interested in getting a MOD for the 2-channel audio. I understand ModWright, EVS, RAM and ASI-Tek offers mods ... can anyone offer recommendations? ... comparisons between them?

I have a ModWright Transporter and is satisfied with the performance ... I understand EVS also offers a Transporter MOD, has anyone compare it to the ModWright?

by reading the description on Rick's website ... his mods on the Oppo and Transporter are a lot more simple and afforable.

I'm wondering how his Transporter will compare to MW's ....
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Well, it sounds like they are all better than a stock player. The question still remains on how they compare to each other.
If they are close, I guess it would come down to system synergy and budget.