PSVANE Discussion & Impressions Thread

Hi everyone,

We are the official PSVANE team, and we are thrilled to announce the release of our latest Horizon series vacuum tubes. This discussion thread is dedicated to engaging with you and addressing any questions you might have about PSVANE vacuum tubes.

With 16 years of experience in the tube sector, our team is empowered by many seasoned experts. We invite everyone to join in sharing, communicating, and discussing any questions and knowledge about vacuum tubes here.




I have an Octave preamp which actually uses 4 ECC82/12AU7 tubes.  I have tried a number of NOS as well as new production tubes and prefer RT and Gold Lions in combination with Amperex/Philips tubes.  Don’t get me wrong, the Horizon is a very good sounding tube, especially for its price, but it sounds a little thin in my system.  If the Horizons already sound nice in your system then they should even sound better after burning in although I thought that Psvane website said that all Horizon tubes are subjected to factory burn-in after production??


Yes. The burn-in test is a part of our quality control process. After a 24-hour burn-in test, we conduct another inspection to eliminate any tubes with quality issues.

@alightronics Still confused on your 300b tubes.  What Quality category  do the following tubes fall under and are they still current? Are they considered Art?

Cossor blue glass

Cossor dark glass

Mark II grey glass

Treasure z black glass


@alightronics what hierarchy category are these tubes?

Cossor blue glass

Cossor dark glass

Mark II grey glass

Treasure z black glass

The hierarchy of our product line is as follows:

Also, are they current tubes or discontinued tubes?  What tubes are ART I have not seen any labeled ART