Upgrade Interconnects/Cables or…?

At 71 years of age, I have two possible upgrades I’d like to perform. After that I’m done, except for the usual tweaks (i.e., tubes, isolation, etc.). I’m very happy with the system I’ve built over the years, and it fits my room (medium), and the sound I’ve been after has been realized. I am guilty of concentrating on the main components of my system, and not paying much attention to what connects them. And, I’m in the hunt to upgrade my line stage…Maybe? So, what to do first, and perhaps I can hold off on the second option entirely? My budget is under $6,000 for either one.

I’m still an analog guy, even though I do have a DAC, Streamer, and NAS. My concentration here is for my phono playback. My interconnects and cables are old, but even so, each time I’ve upgraded a main component I have heard definite and sometimes significant improvement. Whenever I purchased interconnects/cables in the past, they were always decent ones at the time.

Option 1 - I’m looking at replacing the following interconnects/cables for my phono playback…

Turntable, Arm, Cartridge: Upgraded TW Acustic Raven, Ortofon RS 309D, Ortofon Verismo

               Current Phono Cable: Cardas Cross

Phono Stage: Tron Seven with the Reference caps

               Current Interconnect to Line Stage: Cardas Cross Reference

Line Stage: Boulder L3AE and recently upgraded the caps by Boulder

               Current Interconnect to Amps: Crystal Piccolo

Amps: TW Acustic 300B Monoblocks

               Current Speaker Cable: WireWorld Silver (original)

Option 2 - My system is fully unbalanced, so when considering a line stage, I don’t want to pay extra for designs that benefit from using the balanced side when I won’t be using that. One consideration for replacing my Boulder, is the Audible Illusions L3B.

So, which option might you choose if you could only choose one? And, what might you go with?





No, I don’t feel that way at all..I’ve already been through all the Typical Investigations and Purchases…And their consequences.


If you can make some tweaks to your existing equipment and get what you are looking for, it sounds like a win-win. 

Oops... the cables I mentioned were $40 not 12 something... my mistake. They sound really good though.