LAIV Harmony

New company with a new product.  There are several "professional" reviews out there, but not much consumer input here or elsewhere.  Those that have been using now for over a month, what are your thoughts?  What were you using previously and how does it compare?


Hans’ review sounds more like the truth than the hype. He’s not shy about pointing out the DAC’s faults. 

Or he just decided he would get more clicks by posting a different opinion. 

Hey friends,

Thanks for sharing the review on the Augiogon forum, one of our largest owners discussion groups beside Headfi / Facebook!


At LAiV, we respect opinions from all works of life, be it from the owners who enjoy the DAC immensely, or, from the customers who tried the DAC but find it doesn’t suit their taste and music genres they often listen to.


To us, it’s a good and respectable review. This reflects our beliefs and values as stated above, and also validates that LAiV solicited reviews thus far are genuine and honest.


While the review outcome of this particular one wasn’t favourably, we respect that wholeheartedly and appreciate different opinions. One man’s meat could be another man’s poison. That is what makes the music-first-audiophile hobby interesting and enjoyable at the same time.


We will reach out to Hans to learn more about it. We sincerely hope Hans welcomes our suggestions and willing to spend more time with the Harmony DAC. We certainly hope that the DAC will work in Hans’ system(s) after going through setup optimisation with the several components he has.


Until then, enjoy the music!


Weng Fai, Hoh

LAiV Audio