Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble?

Some of you may aware of my Garrard 301 project, it’s now very close to completion. The plinth finally shipped from Hungry after 3 months of long wait.

Given my last experience with Hana Umami Red, I would like to take things to the next level. Which brings me to mating low output cart with a SUT. Every review I’ve read so far suggests when the SUT-MC match is right, the end result is heavenly. The bass is right, the midrange is clear, and most importantly, the highs are relaxed and extended—not rolled off.

I am not saying you can’t get great sound without a SUT but it appears with a properly matched SUT, sound can be quite magical.

Thought this would be the right time to get input from experienced users here since I am still contemplating my cartridge and outboard phonostage options.

My preference would be to go with a tube phono…I kinda miss tinkering with tubes :-)

My system, Garrard 301 (fully refurbished), Reed 3P tonearm, Accuphase E-650 with built-in AD50 analog board ➡️ Tannoy Canterbury’s.

Cart and phono under consideration through my dealer,

Fuuga - Output : 0.35 mVrms | Impedance : 2.5 Ω (1kHz)

Phonostage - Tron Convergence and Konus Audio Phono Series 1000

The cart - MC combination, I am lusting after is Etsuro Urushi Bordeaux MC with their Etsuro Transformer.

The other transformer is EMIA, cooper or silver version.

Your input is appreciated!


I did not read the whole thread but it points out that the options are pretty much endless. Make your life simple... Contact Dave Slagle at Emia.Tell him what you have and what you want to do and he can wind you an SUT that is perfect for your situation, copper or silver but in my limited experience you want silver. I believe he will let you audition a pair before you buy.

Disclaimer:: not affiliated other than a happy customer

Buy the phono stage too if you can afford it... phenomenal. End game stuff

as an owner of an Emia phono and silver SUT, I recommend saving yourself a lot grief.  Just go ahead and get the silver SUT. Contact Dave Slagle, tell him what you have and what you want, and he will custom wind you the ideal solution. You will have an end game solution you will not regret



@br3098 the point of a good SUT that pairs up well with your MC id it brings out the best of your cartridge. 

A short signal path is, of course, a desirable thing. But let us not lose sight of the alternative here: a complex signal path full of components in a head amp or in the MC amplification stage of the pre-amp. Compared to that, an extra pair of interconnects and a pair of transformers are relatively simple and straightforward.

My phono stage isn't as grand as many, but there is no question in my mind that using its MM input with an SUT is better than using its MC input.

I don’t think you can fairly make a case for SUT over high gain phono on the basis of simplicity. A high gain stage may consist of one gain device at the input of what otherwise is an MM stage. No extra ICs, no outboard chassis, much shorter connections.