No replaement PCBs for Krell Evo series

Hello everyone. I want to warn people on this forum to be aware that there are no replacement PCBs for Krell Evo series. I have a Krell 707 processor and two 400e monoblocks and Krell cannot supply PCBs in case they go bad. And they do! In my 707, two PCBs went bad and cannot be replaced, or fixed! I have contacted Krell and that was their answer!

It's a shame that Krell stopped supporting these units which I think should give one pause before purchasing their newer gear.   


It  has been happening to many industries since covid.  All it takes is that one O.E.M.supplier to go out of business and that one proprietary part made only by them disrupts the supply chain.  Often times you must find a new OEM no matter the cost but in HiFi that's not feasible 

Could Krell re- manufacture those parts?  Probably,  but why?  There's no money to be made ....will cost them more than they recoup 

I install and repair medical equipment and this is happening often.   I just received a part I ordered in Sept of last year.   Some parts I'll never see and that instrument, somewhere between $8k and $20k average will get replaced.