Here is a link to our Caladan forum post regarding upcoming shipments for July 2024.




Have people from the list been receiving their speakers? If so how far on the list were you? I am in the middle of the thirties and nothing yet. 

I’ve repeatedly tried to register at the Clayton Shaw Acoustic Lab forum. Might as well be spitting into the wind. No confirmation emails are ever received. Try registering again and it says the username and email address are already in use. Have made Clayton aware of this months ago, no solution ever provided.

Considering Clayton requires the full price to be paid upfront, parts orders should have been placed 8-9 months ago.  I'm never paying full price again for an item that might take a year to arrive

List price recently increased from $3000 to $3450, but upcharge for Walnut baffles no longer exists.  Looks like all wood types now cost the same as Walnut did previously.  19% delivered price increase since December 2023.