Here is a link to our Caladan forum post regarding upcoming shipments for July 2024.




Not quite sure what to make of this post other than what we already know--women have little interest in this hobby.

Post removed 

Good observation. There are actually 2 women in the complete list of orders. These are just the orders that are in line for July. 



Thanks Clayton. The thread where future owners compare notes about delivery times is a bore.

 So all the people on that list will have speakers shipped by the end of July? Your post says shipments but the link says “upcoming builds”. Two very different things.

....unless yours is a name on that list.  Then those people have an idea that theirs is getting built and possibly shipped this month.  

It would be more helpful if the people knew what the list actually means. This thread and the verbiage on the website are at odds with one another.

@ozzy62 Do you think that when "the build" is completed it will be stored not shipped? I do not see how these are "two very different things".

This is the list of orders that we plan to build this month, based on our scheduling. This, of course assumes the components and baffles are here as we go along. 

We ship what is ready on Fridays. We ship all ready orders that week. 


I don’t think it’s cool to list people’s names! Why not ask them to sign into your site to check. They are # 13 out of 44 for July 

Thanks Clayton

Looks like your latest offering is a huge success as you well deserve!

Glad for the customers it's not a 2 year wait list like Decware has (or had)

Good to hear :-)

Have people from the list been receiving their speakers? If so how far on the list were you? I am in the middle of the thirties and nothing yet. 

I’ve repeatedly tried to register at the Clayton Shaw Acoustic Lab forum. Might as well be spitting into the wind. No confirmation emails are ever received. Try registering again and it says the username and email address are already in use. Have made Clayton aware of this months ago, no solution ever provided.

Considering Clayton requires the full price to be paid upfront, parts orders should have been placed 8-9 months ago.  I'm never paying full price again for an item that might take a year to arrive

List price recently increased from $3000 to $3450, but upcharge for Walnut baffles no longer exists.  Looks like all wood types now cost the same as Walnut did previously.  19% delivered price increase since December 2023.

Just found this in another post in this forum made on June 27, 2024.  Poster was sharing a phone conversation he had with Clayton.

"He said they (Spatial) are working on mid-November orders which there are roughly 200. Spatial is producing approx 40 units a month."

This is "little" disconcerting that nobody answered my post from more than two weeks ago regarding any recipients of Caladans from the July build list. Nobody has gotten them then?

@knock1 Clayton's last update stated they are still working on the July list.  Parts are on backorder.

Hey guys,

We had component delays on the tweeter and input panel as previously mentioned, but both are on the way now, Some tweeters arrived yesterday. So we can finish up on many of the speakers built up and waiting on parts. We have a total of 200 tweeters coming.

Going forward, please use our website forum for communication and shipment updates. My email is listed there as well: We don't monitor other forums such as this. So, If you have a question or concern, simply contact me directly by email or call me at 801-631-2994.

Our webmaster tested the sign up process for our internal forum and it checked out fine, so not sure what the issue is with BMW R75 effort to join. 


I don’t know either Clayton about registering for the forum. I never got a confirmation email that is supposed to be sent and allows a new user to set a password.

Just tried to create a new registration using another email address and your forum says that email address is already in use also.   Am giving up.

Considering Clayton requires the full price to be paid upfront, parts orders should have been placed 8-9 months ago. I'm never paying full price again for an item that might take a year to arrive

Cancel the order, take your money and look elsewhere. No guy working out of his garage is worthy of a year's wait (with your cash in his wallet). His speaker and him certainly ain't all that!

@caladan I can corroborate that the forum sign up is broken. I never received a confirmation email and if I try to reregister, it says my email is already in use.  

Thanks - I will have our web guy get on this. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Regarding the registration on our forum, we found out that there is a known issue with using iCloud Accounts. Gmail accounts work fine.


Anyone hear of any updates on the production of the Caladans? I have not been able to register for the Clayton Shaw forum. My order is about 9 weeks old. Has anyone received their Caladans lately? How long did they actually take to fulfill the order?

@1happyman  My order is 26 weeks old.  Doubt I will get them until Oct.  Clayton is still working on the November 2023 orders

My order was placed December 8, 2023.  Haven't heard a word about them shipping.   Three to four promised ship dates have come and gone since they were suppose to be delivered in March 2024.  Last promise was I'd get them in August 2024.  That ain't happening.

Latest update is 75 orders have shipped to date.  My guess is orders placed in 2024 still have at least another 3-6 month wait. 

crying. 75 orders shipped in 10 months. crying

So that means 125 orders from November 2023 are still yet to be filled.  Even if it is true that 40 pairs a month are being produced (highly doubtful), then still 3+ months away from all November orders being shipped.

Just an fyi...

I canceled my Caladan order and was promptly refunded the total amount to my credit card in a matter of a few days.

I just couldn't stand the extended delivery timeline suspense, no updates, etc.

Still looking for my next speaker purchase.

I cancelled my November order at the end of August. No refund as of today. The run around from Square and Clayton is beyond comprehension.

Hello Knock1 - I am not aware of any unpaid refund requests. Please contact me directly at to discuss and look up your records.
