dCS Bartok Apex vs McIntosh DA2 - Trouble Hearing the Difference

I am currently playing a new set of Focal Scala Evos with a McIntosh MA9500, fed by a Wiim Pro playing Tidal Direct. This set up uses the McIntosh DA2, which sounds remarkable to my untrained ears. 

I borrowed a dCS Bartok Apex from my local dealer. Given that I can run balanced out (using Transparent Reference Gen 6 cables) to the MA9500, I can switch inputs to compare the DA2 & Wiim vs the Bartok (DAC & Streaming) very quickly. I level matched the best I could.

What I am confused about, though, is just how close the DA2 sounds to the Bartok. The most noticeable difference is how forward and prevalent vocals are with the DA2. They seem anchored to the center image and several feet more forward into the room, whereas in the Bartok they are a bit more recessed, and integrated into the rest of the music. The Bartok soundstage is also wider, but not shockingly so. The sound is definitely smoother or "rounder" with the Bartok as compared to the DA2. 

I admit I am relatively new to critical listening, but I think I expected the difference between the $20K Bartok and the built-in DA2 to be more profound. I'm not anxious to spend the money on the Bartok, but am willing to do if it is a significant step up, which I think it should be. 

So what am I missing? Am I perhaps limited by the MA9500? My dealer doesn't love autoformer-based Mc products, but many do, so I would have thought the MA9500 is sufficiently resolving. Room acoustics are not the best, but certainly not terrible. 

Interested in any thoughts or feedback.


Strange. You say that there's not much difference, but then you mention three significant differences. Maybe you were looking for drastic differences.

You might try to avoid comparing them and spend some quality time (like days) listening to the music. If you are not really experience switching bake and forth and listening to the system instead of the music can be confusing. All the differences will reveal themselves in the music. 

One additional thing to note is that the dCs sound is pretty lean and detailed and can come off as very dry. You might want to audition something on the more natural side as well. But take your time. 


If you want to be even more surprised, order a Bluesound Node as your streamer. I was running a Wiim Pro into a MA352 and I found the Node was a lot more musical than the Wiim into the Mcintosh. On my Asian Class AB amp, the difference wasn't as drastic and both streamers performed admirable. 

Beautiful room and system! It looks as if the speakers are set-up for HT. Optimizing speaker placement for 2 channel is an entirely different ballgame. Very WAF and interior design unfriendly. Take a look at assorted Virtual Systems. Also, high-end components, such as the Bartok, offer nuance and finesse - not a completely different sound. Excellent feedback from posters above.