Playback Designs vs. Berkeley

Anyone compared the Playback Designs DAC or player to the Berkeley Alpha DAC head-to-head? With or without external source for the PDS?
As the original poster, just FYI, I bought the PD DAC last year. Couldn't be happier.

Jonathan, that's very cool news about DSDx2 via USB. I've been tinkering in the computer audiophile world for a few years now, and for me that capability has been the ultimate format that no one has provided. Before I bought the PD, I considered getting the DAD AX24 because it can do 5.6MHz via some esoteric connections and soundcards, but that didn't seem practical. If PD can do it via USB, that's a great solution.
An old thread, but worth revisiting as some changes have hit since. The USB-X is out. The Berkeley has been rev'd and now has an outboard USB converter as an available "upgrade".
I have not compared the two DACs, but as the owner of an Alpha with its USB interface (just arrived) I can say that the result is incredible. I am not quite in agreement with those who suggest a direct coupling with the power amplifier, in my case a pre DMC15 and a DMA 150S2 (Spectral). The addition of pre gives greater detail and depth, as well as dynamic.