Affordable Grounding

My Frankenstereo has assorted grounding elements behind the rack.    The head end of the streaming chain is in another room.  At the wall outlet, there’s Nordost QBase 4 Mk II – with a ground lug.    

I tried this inexpensive grounding tweak clipped on to the lug.  Subtle – but it works.  More transparency.    Probably similar results with the Puritan Ground Master – and other brands.  Worth a try!  Certainly more affordable than an Entreq.    I purchased the cheapest one with the copper wire/paper cylinder.  (Not a fan of silver-plated wire.)



This is why I went with Puritan Audio Labs groundmaster

....To meet emissions regulations these appliances use their Earth connection as a dumping place for the interference they generate. And with substations often serving hundreds of houses, your HiFi Earth/Ground connection may well be connected to thousands of Earth Line polluting appliances.

Long before the problem of high frequency interference on the Earth Line became as serious as it is today, audiophiles in the know were utilising additional Ground Rods to provide an independent Earth to their HiFi installations. Elegant as this solution may seem, this is a colossally dangerous practice for the vast majority of current installations*. This is because it risks the potentially massive current from any fault between your HiFi and your local substation finding the easiest path to Earth through your HiFi with expensive, and possibly tragic, results! This is why the practice of introducing directly connected supplementary or dedicated HiFi Ground Rods is specifically prohibited by current UK Wiring Regulations. (Except in very specific circumstances). By utilising the Puritan Ground Master the hazards (and illegality) associated with the use of additional HiFi Ground Rods are totally avoided. And this is achieved without compromising the effective route to ground and hence the removal, of undesirable noise disturbance frequencies on the Earth Line. With the Puritan Ground Master used in conjunction with an additional Ground Rod the potentially dangerous route to Earth of mains frequency currents is safely isolated whilst offending noise and disturbance frequencies are permitted a highly efficient, extremely low impedance route to ground ensuring their elimination. * For the past 50 years houses have normally been connected using the Protective Multiple Earth (PME) system, whereby the Neutral Line is bonded to Earth at the substation and at other points along the way and with Neutral and Earth circuits separated at the point of entry to the building. This style of installation provides the greatest dangers if using additional ground rods without connecting though the Ground Master whilst other styles of household Earth connection will still benefit greatly with increased safety and performance.

If our audio room is say 50' away from my service panel and I drive a new rod right outside the audio room, I have to install a bare copper grounding wire from the rod all the way back to the service panel. I forgot the gauge of said wire but it's a big wire you know what I'm talking about! Then you could run smaller ground wires from audio room to the new ground rod? Would this work? 

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Just a general comment, you do NOT want a separate ground path other than the ground path of the circuit breaker.  This will cause the breaker to no trip in the event of overload and is a massive code violation and fire hazard.  No sane electrician who valued his license would do it.


A dedicated line (perhaps with a dedicated ground) for the box is ideal.