Franco Serblin R.I.P. What happens to Ktema?

Again, my heart goes out to his family and his legacy. I have had the opportunity to listen to both the Ktema and Stadivari side by side. I came to listen to the Strads since i was thinking about purchasing them. The owner insisted i listen to the Ktemas, so i said OK. I attached my modest simaudio 600i integrated and played Traci Chapman. Wow, i immediately heard the separation, the dynamic soundstage and even the precise base. Truly, i felt the sound was a bit bright, but i understand these particular speakers have not been broken in yet. My girlfriend which has no audiophile background nor listen to much music said, the sound is no longer muffled in comparison to the Strads. So i turned to the owner and stated, "by you playing the Ktemas, i no longer want the Strads, unfortunately i cannot afford the Ktemas" needless to say i walked away empty handed, but i really are considering the Ktemas.

So i sit wondering, what will happen to company following the passing of FS? Are the Ktemas limited? Should i think about the availability of replacement parts in the future?

Any advice or suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Old post, but will answer anyway. The Ktemas is on the opposite spectrum than the B&W speakers. KTEMAS are warm and smooth while the B&W are analytical. Ktemas siund similiar to traditional SF speakers.


This thread has longevity.

I like the ktema, and the sf il cremonese, I have the B&W 802 D3 so I appreciate your comments above. 

If I buy the ktema I wonder how they'll perform in a biamp situation using a MC 901 from McIntosh which is an interesting amplifier that seems to be working really nice with the 802.


Ktemas really do well with Class A amps tube or SS. They are easly to drive, but need the power to really extend bass. I would not use any other type of amp. 

Yes, I wonder if the 901 would work. Interesting dual amp.function. Perhaps it will provide the power needed to drive the bass. I owned simaudio 810a and it did not do well with Ktemas. My Accuphase A70 does well.